Monthly Archives: February 2018

5 inventors killed by their own inventions

Throughout the course of history, thousands of ideas have manifested into world-changing creations. Exceeding even the inventors wildest dreams. However, thousands of these have been equally catalytic in the demise of their own creators. In pure ironic demise, these Inventors were killed by their own inventions. Here’s our top five. Sylvester H. Roper 1823 – 1896  Sylvester H. […]

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The best books to teach kids about death

Death in children’s books Kids’ books are tools to explain and discuss the greatest adventures, including, and most importantly, death and dying. From picture books to genre fiction, here’s a look at kids’ books that discuss death. This is to remind you that being a child is a time of rolling about in mud, eating […]

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What happens when you donate your body to science?

Donating your body to science is your last chance at posthumous freedom. Even after dying, you can still choose to have something done to your body that isn’t a funeral. Not only that, it’s probably going to help save some lives too. For lack of a better (albeit strangely appropriate) expression, there’s more than one way […]

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How to get buried at sea

How to get buried at sea

Burials at sea are fairly uncommon in the UK, with only a few dozen being carried out each year. They’re not just reserved for sea dogs and sailors, either as anyone can take the dip. While the UK’s seas make for a very green and very DIY funeral option, there’s a number of strict regulations […]

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21st Century Death Masks

Death masks for the 21st century For centuries the living have been attempting to capture the likeness of the dead. Starting with the elaborately painted mummies of Ancient Egypt, the death mask has become an essential part of documenting the past. The ancient practice has stuck around, but there is now an emerging generation of […]

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1 The Jade burial suits of Ancient China

Rivalling the ancient Egyptians in their luxury. The Han Dynasty of China was equally extravagant in sending off their honoured ones. Encasing them in Jade Burial Suits, small tiles of hand carved jade, stitched together with expensive threads. Perhaps the most opulent form of burial in history are the Jude Burial Suits of China. The […]

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